Thursday, August 19, 2010

scribd locked documents download.. how to download

if you want download a scribd locked document here is a simple technique

first change view mode to Scroll, than scroll top to bottom in your browser before you run script. if dont nothing will print in your pages.

paste below script in your browser address bar:

javascript:function printScribdDoc(docpgesCount){for(i=1;i<=docpgesCount-1;i++){var page=document.getElementById("page"+i+"");if(page!=null){"block";}}window.print();}printScribdDoc(35);void(0);
FireBug user:
function  printScribdDoc(docpgesCount){
      var page=document.getElementById("page"+i+"");"block";




In above script, enter total pages count, I gave 35(red label) as document total pages, change it to your document total pages. ex:if  your document has 20 pages,you have to change to 20,next paste it in your browser address bar, hit enter.

you will see the print dialog to print, just select print to file and print.

thats its, all pages of document will printed in your pdf file or whatever file type you have printed.

if it not printed all pages, scroll your page top to bottom again. it is must

comments are welcome

dont forget to comment me back if it works fine.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Introduction to Jquery

Jquery is javascript library.There are methods available in Jquery Those can help us to do our job very quickly and easy in structured way as like other structured langauges .We dont need to ugly way to handle the dynamic actions like if we want handle onClick event we have to write it in htnl element as that our code wont look.but using Juqery you can do easy It is easy to handle all events and actions using Jquery.when we use Javascript libraries we may have problem with them that is "Some browsers dont support fuctionalities in libraries" bcz all browsers have their own engines to excute javacript and css.and also they have new features than other browsers .if that library dealing with css it will work in some browsers.the same code wont work in other wont get those problems using is supported by all browsers.